Ascendancy class super star destroyer
Ascendancy class super star destroyer

ascendancy class super star destroyer

Troop numbers, and terrestrial asset numbers, are primarily numbered for convenience, hardly comfort in this case. Powerful magnetic fields, coupled with docking systems, and even massive matter-transphase subspace storage units, can store enormous numbers of vessels, for both immediate deployments, as well as long term campaign requirements. The fleet compliments listed, is not a misnomer. This overriding Code helped keep in check, the hundreds of Fleet Facet Groups and Knight Armies that a Journey Sar'nor could deploy.

ascendancy class super star destroyer

(Gaians don't destroy planets willingly, the Ascendant Avian-Griffonals wouldn't allow it.) But as with all Gaian makes, these were also under the Gaian Code, the watch of using such overwhelming power for the use of magnanimous purposes. This is all 'before' additional Hikari Seeds, six in total, were used, to power additional systems, specifically, the Fold and Inter-Universal Gate Drive Systems, as well as the powerful weapons arrays, that include Ionic Planet-busting scale Dimensional Cannons, weapons designed to pacify an entire planet, in a single, empowered shot. The sheer power generated by just one of these compacted fusion cores, is easily enough to power an entire Star System's worth of assets, planets included, the numbers of dozens of planets calculated. The two saucer shaped 'halves' were not actually connected, but held in place by the magnetic field of a stabilized solar fusion body, with a Hikari Seed 'Trio' at it's central core. Such would be a blink of the eye in the style of Gaian Strategy, such as when they considered wars extending over centuries, the norm. Just one could liberate a whole galaxy in a few years time.

ascendancy class super star destroyer

Source Site: The power and ability to move a seemingly limitless number of assets upon one SuperFortress, this was one of the linchpins of the Gaian Dimensional Guardianship Stratagem.

Ascendancy class super star destroyer